Fabulist, Storyteller, Author


New Edition now available

“I really liked this book. It was amazing!” — Ten year old Canadian girl's recent review: Video here

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Ramsay is best known for his two novelistic updates of animal fables stemming from the ancient Panchatantra. His most popular, Kalila & Dimna Vol 1: Fables of Friendship and Betrayal is available in five languages as Kindles: English, Italian, German, French and Spanish — the last two translations also printed in paperback.

Kindles of Kalila & Dimna Vol 2: Fables of Conflict and Intrigue come in English, Brazilian Portuguese, French and Spanish (again, the last two also available in paperback).

Kalila and Dimna Vol 2:

Fables of Conflict & Intrigue

Kindle / Paperback

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Kalila and Dimna Vol 1:

Fables of Friendship & Betrayal

Kindle / Paperback

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Unique retelling… may well jolt literary sensibilities tuned to the solemnity or quaintness of our best known versions of animal fables.
— San Francisco Chronicle

Stories as closely interfolded as the petals of a rose.
Ursula le Guin

Racy, funny, vigorous, contemporary.
Doris Lessing



When Ramsay Wood retells a story he makes a proper job of it: not for him those pale imitations of a nobel original which is what your average reteller palms off on his readers.

The Times

A beautiful book full of mirth and human interest and unsentimental wisdom and vigorous writing.

Boston Globe

This fresh creation follows the more than two thousand year old precedent of adapting, collating and arranging the material in any way that suits present purposes. It is contemporary, racy, vigorous, full of zest. It is also very funny. I defy anyone to sit down with it and not finish it at a sitting. Ramsay…

Doris Lessing – Nobel Prize for Literature 2007

Ramsay Wood follows his originals closely, and slips with skill in and out of stories as closely interfolded as the petals of a rose.

Ursua Le Guin – The Washington Post

Sans frontière linguistique ni culturelle, ces fables ignorent aussi celles du temps. Au sein du recueil, les paradoxes temporels abondent. Des lettres très antiques, enfermées dans une série de coffres par le roi Houschenk autrefois, s’adressent aux souverains de l’avenir. Elles renferment des conseils dont le sens ne s’éclaire qu’à mesure, parfois avec un très…

Roger-Pol Droit (Le Monde)